Riyad Us-Saliheen رياض الصالحين
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The Excellence of using Miswak (Tooth-Stick)
Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Prophet (PBUH) said, "There are five acts which conform to the pure nature: Circumcision, removing of the pubic hair, clipping the nails, plucking the underarm hair and trimming the moustache."[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].

"Fitrah" literally means beginning, innovation, invention or making something altogether new, but here it means instinct or such nature or disposition which is inborn. Some people have defined it as that old way which was liked by all the Prophets and on which all the Divine laws had full agreement. That is to say, they are natural to man. In any case, one should adopt all these five good qualities in such a way as if they are a part of his nature. Moreover, they are also highly important from the point of view of cleanliness and purification.
215/1203 - Riyad Us-Saliheen (Gardens of the Righteous)
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الحديث التالي احاديث الباب آيات الباب الحديث السابق الفهرس
باب فضل السِّواك وخصال الفطرة
وعَنْ أَبي هُريرةَ رضِيَ اللَّهُ عَنْهُ ، عَنِ النَّبِيِّ صَلّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وسَلَّم قَالَ : « الفِطرةُ خَمسٌ ، أَوْ خمْسٌ مِنَ الفِطرةِ : الخِتان ، وَالاسْتِحْدَادُ ، وَتقلِيمُ الأَظفَارِ ، ونَتف الإِبِطِ ، وقَصُّ الشَّارِبِ » مُتفقٌ عليه .الاسْتِحْدَادُ : حلْقُ العَانَةِ ، وهُو حَلقُ الشعْرِ الذي حَوْلَ الفرْجِ .
1203/215 - رياض الصالحين
الحديث التالي احاديث الباب آيات الباب الحديث السابق الفهرس