Riyad Us-Saliheen رياض الصالحين
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Merit of Suhur (Predawn meal in Ramadan) and the Excellence of Delaying having it till before Dawn
Ibn `Umar (May Allah be pleased with them) reported: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) had two Muadhdhin: Bilal and Ibn Umm Maktum (May Allah be pleased with them). The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "Bilal proclaims Adhan [call to Salat (prayer)] at fag end of night, so eat and drink till Ibn Umm Maktum pronounces Adhan." Ibn `Umar (May Allah be pleased with them) added: And the gap between their Adhan was not more than the time spent in ones getting down and the others climbing (the minaret).[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].

We learn from this Hadith that in the days of the Prophet (PBUH) there used to be two Mu'adhdhin and two Adhan in the morning. The first Adhan was meant to warn the people who were taking the Suhur meals that the time for the Suhur was about to finish and they should make preparation for Fajr prayer. Soon after that there was a second Adhan by another Mu'adhdhin which signified that the time for food was finished and people should attend to Salat. This practice was, however, terminated later so much so that we do not find it even in the times of the Companions of the Prophet (PBUH) and that of At-Tabi`un (the successors of the Prophet's Companions) and Tabi`ut-Tabi`in (the followers of the Successors). In any case, this practice can be revived.
So far, the question of time between the two Adhan is concerned, `Ulama' have stated that after announcing the Adhan, Bilal used to be engaged in prayer, etc., and waited for the daybreak. When the time for the daybreak drew near, he would then come down and inform Ibn Umm Maktum who would then make Wudu', and then proceed to call the Adhan at the beginning of the daybreak. (Ibn Allan).
221/1231 - Riyad Us-Saliheen (Gardens of the Righteous)
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الحديث التالي احاديث الباب آيات الباب الحديث السابق الفهرس
باب فَضْلِ السُّحورِ وتأخيرِهِ
ما لم يَخْشَ طُلُوع الفَجْرِ
وَعَنِ ابنِ عُمَرَ رَضيَ اللَّه عَنْهُمَا ، قالَ : كانَ لرسول اللَّه صَلّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وسَلَّم مُؤَذِّنَانِ : بلالٌ وَابْنُ أُمِّ مَكْتُومٍ . فَقَالَ رسولُ اللَّهِ صَلّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وسَلَّم : « إِنَّ بلالاً يُؤَذِّنُ بِلَيْلٍ ، فَكُلُوا وَاشْرَبُوا حتَّى يُؤَذِّنَ ابْنُ أُمِّ مَكْتُومٍ » قَالَ : وَلَمْ يَكُنْ بَيْنَهُمَا إِلاَّ أَنْ يَنْزِلَ هذا وَيَرْقَى هذا ، متفقٌ عليه .
1231/221 - رياض الصالحين
الحديث التالي احاديث الباب آيات الباب الحديث السابق الفهرس