Riyad Us-Saliheen رياض الصالحين
الحديث التالي احاديث الباب آيات الباب الحديث السابق الفهرس
بابُ فضل الحمد والشكر
وعنْهُ عنْ رسول اللَّه صَلّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وسَلَّم قال : « كُلُّ أمْرٍ ذِي بال لا يُبْدأُ فيه بـــ : الحمد للَّه فَهُوَ أقْطُع » حديثٌ حسَنٌ ، رواهُ أبو داود وغيرُهُ .
1394/242 - رياض الصالحين
الحديث التالي احاديث الباب آيات الباب الحديث السابق الفهرس

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The Obligation of Gratitude
Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "Any matter of importance which is not begun with Al-hamdu lillah (praise be to Allah) remains defective."[Abu Dawud].

There is another Hadith to the effect that every important work which is not started with the invocation "Bismillah" is devoid of Allah's Grace. Sheikh Al-Albani's opinion about these two Ahadith is that their text is confused and its authority is weak. He has, however, regarded it as acceptable "Mursal" (Ahadith narrated by a student of a Companion deleting the Companion's name). (For details please see Irwa-ul-Ghalil, vol. I, 1,2). In any case, it is desirable to begin every good work with the Glorious Name of Allah and His Praise.

242/1394 - Riyad Us-Saliheen (Gardens of the Righteous)
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