Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "You will covet for getting a position of authority, but remember that it will be a cause of humiliation and remorse on the Day of Resurrection."[Al-Bukhari]
This Hadith urges people, particularly the incapable ones, to shed off the ambition to achieve rulership and power. It is feared that owing to their lack of talent they will mismanage the task which will be assigned to them. This will render them guilty with Allah. The Prophet (PBUH) dissuades such people from accepting any government portfolio as in this way they will remain safe and trouble-free. Yet, if a deserving person gets a job of high responsibility, he should do his utmost to do full justice to it, so that he may be spared remorse on the Day of Resurrection.