Riyad Us-Saliheen رياض الصالحين
الحديث التالي احاديث الباب آيات الباب الحديث السابق الفهرس
باب جواز الشرب من جميع الأواني الطاهرة غير الذهب والفضة
وجواز الكرع وهو الشرب بالفم من النهر وغيره بغير إناء ولا يد، وتحريم استعمال إناء الذهب والفضة في الشرب والأكل والطهارة وسائر وجوه الاستعمال
عنْ أَنسٍ رضيَ اللَّه عنه قال : حَضَرَتِ الصَّلاةُ ، فَقَامَ منْ كانَ قَريب الدَّارِ إِلى أَهْلِهِ ، وبقِى قَوْمٌ فَأَتَى رسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وسَلَّم بِمِخْضَب مِن حِجَارَةٍ ، فَصَغُرَ المِخْضَبُ أَن يبْسُطَ فِيهِ كَفَّهُ ، فَتَوَضَّأَ القَوْمُ كُلَّهُمْ . قَالُوا : كَم كُنْتُمْ ؟ قَالَ : ثَمَانِين وزِيادةً . متفقٌ عليه . هذه رواية البخاري .وفي رواية له ولمسلم : أَنَّ النبيَّ صَلّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وسَلَّم دَعا بِإِناءٍ مِنْ ماءٍ ، فأُتِيَ بِقَدحٍ رَحْرَاحٍ فِيهِ شَيءٌ مِنْ مَاءٍ ، فَوَضَعَ أَصَابِعَهُ فِيهِ . قَالَ أَنس : فَجعَلْتُ أَنْظُرُ إِلى الماءِ يَنْبُعُ مِنْ بَيْنِ أَصابِعِه ، فَحزَرْتُ منْ تَوَضَّأَ ما بيْنَ السَّبْعِينِ إِلى الثَّمَانِينَ .
774/116 - رياض الصالحين
الحديث التالي احاديث الباب آيات الباب الحديث السابق الفهرس

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Permissibility of drinking water from clean Vessels of all types except Gold and Silver ones
Anas bin Malik (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: Once the time for As-Salat (the prayer) approached. Those whose houses were near, went to their houses to perform Wudu while some of the people remained with Messenger of Allah (PBUH). A stone (containing some water) bowl was brought for him. It was too small for him to spread his hand over it. He performed his Wudu and it (the water) sufficed for all the others also. Anas was asked: "How many of you were present there?" He said: "Eighty or more."[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
Another narration in Muslim is: The Prophet (PBUH) called for a vessel containing water. A wide shallow vessel with a little water in it was brought for him. He put his fingers in it. Anas says: "I kept looking at the water pouring from between his fingers. I estimated that the number of people who made their Wudu with it was from seventy to eighty."

This Hadith mentions a miracle of Messenger of Allah (PBUH) and also provides for the use of a stoneware.
116/774 - Riyad Us-Saliheen (Gardens of the Righteous)
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