Riyad Us-Saliheen رياض الصالحين
الحديث التالي احاديث الباب آيات الباب الحديث السابق الفهرس
بابُ إعانةِ الرفيقِ
وعنه قال : كانَ رسول اللَّهِ صَلّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وسَلَّم يَتَخلَّف في المسِيرِ فَيُزْجِي الضَّعيف ويُرْدفُ ويدْعُو له .. رواه أبو داود بإِسناد حسن .
971/169 - رياض الصالحين
الحديث التالي احاديث الباب آيات الباب الحديث السابق الفهرس

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Helping a Companion
Jabir (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) used to lag behind while travelling and urge the weak to walk quickly. He used to take up someone behind him and make supplication for him.[Abu Dawud].

This Hadith tells us that the leader of a group (or Amir) should, during a journey, remain in the rear instead of the vanguard so that he may prop up the weak people and provide succour to the resourceless ones. Furthermore, he is presumed to pray for such people as the blessing of his prayer is likely to make up their deficiencies.

169/971 - Riyad Us-Saliheen (Gardens of the Righteous)
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