Riyad Us-Saliheen رياض الصالحين
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101- Prohibition of Criticizing Food
102- Response to an Invitation extended to a Man observing Saum (Fasting)
103- What should one say to the Host if an uninvited Person is accompanied with an invited Person
104- Eating from what is in front of One
105- Prohibition of Eating two Date-fruits Simultaneously
106- What should a Person say or do when he Eats but is not Satisfied
107- Eating from the Side of the Vessel
108- Undesirability of Eating in a Reclining Posture
109- Excellence of Eating with three Fingers and Licking them
110- Merit of Sharing Food
111- Etiquette of Drinking Water
112- Undesirability of Drinking directly from the mouth of a Water-Skin
113- Undesirability of blowing into the Vessel while Drinking
114- Permission to Drink while in a standing Posture
115- Excellence of Cupbearer drinking Last
116- Permissibility of drinking water from clean Vessels of all types except Gold and Silver ones
117- Excellence of wearing white clothes and the permissibility of wearing red, green, yellow and black clothes made from Cotton, Linen but not Silk
118- Excellence of Qamees
119- Description of the length of Qamees and the Sleeves, the end of the Turban, the Prohibition of wearing long Garments out of Pride and the undesirability of wearing them without Pride
120- Excellence of giving up Elegant Clothes for Humility
121- Excellence of Adopting Moderation in Dress
122- Prohibition of wearing Silk for men and its permissibility for Women
123- Lawfulness to wear Silk in case one is suffering from an Itch
124- Prohibition of using the skin of the Leopard
125- Supplication at the time of wearing new Dress or Shoes
126- Excellence of Starting from the right side first while wearing a Dress (or a pair of Shoes)
127- What is to be said at the time of Sleeping
128- Manners of Lying down on one's back and placing one leg upon the Other
129- Etiquette of Attending company and sitting with Companions
130- Visions in Dream and matters relating to them
131- Excellence of Promoting Greetings
132- Words to be used for offering Greetings
133- Etiquette of offering Greetings
134- Excellence of Greeting the Acquaintance Repeatedly
135- Excellence of Greeting at the time of entry into the House
136- Greeting the Children
137- Greeting one's Wife and other Women
138- Greeting the non-Muslims and Prohibition of taking an Initiative
139- Excellence of Greeting on Arrival and Departure
140- Seeking Permission to enter (somebody's House) and Manners relating to it
141- Seeking Permission to enter by telling one's Name
142- Saying 'Al-Hamdulillah' on Sneezing, its reply and Manners relating to Sneezing and Yawning
143- Excellence of Hand shaking at the time of Meeting
144- Following the Funeral, and Matters relating to Illness and Death
145- Supplication for the Sick
146- Recommendation of Inquiring the Family Members of the Patient about his Condition
147- Supplication when one is disappointed about his Life
148- Instructing the Patient's family to be kind to him - Consoling the Patients and showing kindness to one Facing Death Sentence
149- Permissibility of expressing feelings of agony in Serious Illness
150- Helping a dying Person to Pronounce 'La Ilaha Illahllah'
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